No Knead Bread

See alternative below:

1 package INSTANT yeast

3 C Bread Flour
1 t salt
12-13 oz Water

Mix dry and then add water.  Combine.  Cover with plastic (or lid with pyrex dish).

Let rise 8-24 hours.

Scrape onto floured board.  Fold 1/4 Turn 4 times.  Then round ball (push into itself like pizza ball).

Oil bowl and cover with towel.  Rest 1.5 hour.

Heat oven to 450
Put Cast iron kettle or Corningware with lid in for 30 minutes

Pour bread in to kettle.  Scour top with scissors 4 times or so.

Cover and bake 30 minutes

Remove cover and bake 5 or so minutes depending on how you like the top crispiness.


Basically the same but at the end of mix add 1 T oil.  Use 400ml of water.

After rise put in bread pan (cold).

Bake 400 for 30 mins

Rub butter on top of bread (to soften) and let cool completely.

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