Roasted Carrots with Maple Syrup

3 cloves garlic minced plus 8 cloves garlic
salt & pepper to taste
2 lbs. peeled baby carrots
3 T olive oil
1/4 c maple syrup

1. preheat oven 450 deg. sprinkle the minced garlic with pinch of salt. with the side of knife mash the garlic into a paste (makes it mix better w/ carrots). in large bowl toss the carrots mashed garlic whole garlic oil salt and pepper until evenly mixed. transfer to rimmed baking pan.

2. roast for 30 min. or until nicely browned and fork-tender stirring several times. transfer the carrots to a serving bowl and stir in maple syrup. cover and let stand for 5 min. before serving.

if you like carrots you'll love these.

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